Water Conservation on Earth Day

Water Conservation on Earth Day

Although Earth Day might have passed or is coming soon, to celebrate this special day, you can start by establishing some water conservation habits and making some small changes to your home plumbing. Water is very precious and at times scarce commodity and it takes some amount of energy to sanitize and deliver it to your home. Therefore saving the planet and minimizing the amount of water going down the drain should be of major concern to you. Here are...
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Lead Testing in Home Water Supply

The trouble with the water in Flint, Michigan has homeowners and consumers thinking about the content of their water. While the majority of community water supplies are safe, it is never a bad idea to test for lead. How Much Lead is Too Much? When it comes to lead exposure, a little is too much. When it comes to drinking water, usually less than 20% of any type of lead contamination comes from water. This is a huge problem for...
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Lead in the Water: Detrimental to Your Health

You may have heard that too much lead in your body can create health problems, but do you know what health problems? Since the United States government passed the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974, municipalities and home builders have worked hard to keep tap water safe for all residents. Get to Know the EPA Rules for Water The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has worked hard to establish strict standards for drinking water all over the country. There are strict...
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3 Ways to Save Water With Every Flush

If we are to believe figures from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), water consumption is at its highest with about 400 gallons being used daily by an average family of four. Just how much water is this? The recommended eight glasses a day is roughly around half a gallon, which means we are wasting the equivalent of drinking water good enough for 800 people. What is one of the biggest contributor to this excessive water consumption? The toilet! So do...
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Keep Your Water Clean

When you pour yourself a glass of water from your tap, you expect your water to be clear, clean, and free of unexpected smells. But, sometimes, you might fill your cup and find specks of debris floating around in your water. The problem could come from your municipal water supply or it could stem from a problem in your home’s plumbing. When it comes to your water, one of the healthiest things you ingest each day, it is important to...
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