When to Call Leak Detection Specialist

When to Call Leak Detection Specialist

Leak detection is an essential process that can help you locate and identify leaks in places where you don't even know they exist. It's pretty apparent that there's a leak in the bathroom sink if you find a puddle underneath the pipes, and there are numerous other examples of visible leaks that are right under your nose if you just open your eyes. However, the real challenge in solving leaky pipe issues is being able to detect leaks in pipes...
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How to Find Hidden Plumbing Leaks and Fix Them Fast

Hidden plumbing leaks are bad news. They're wasting water, which means that they're wasting your money. They could be doing serious damage to the structure of your home and causing mold to grow, as well. This guide will help you to find hidden plumbing leaks and get them fixed in no time. Finding Splash Leaks in the Tub and Shower Around the shower door is a common place for leaks to happen. If everything isn't sealed up around the tub...
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Plumbing Leak Repair Guide

A plumbing leak doesn't have to be big to be a big problem. We are so dependent on having running water; we don't think about it often, but most of us would feel quite lost without having constant access to running water. How many times a day do you turn on a faucet? As soon as you get up in the morning, you probably flush the toilet, wash your hands, brush your teeth, and take a shower. Next, you make...
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Water Leak Detection Case Studies

We all know that it's important to conserve water, and we do our best to do our part. We turn off the water while we brush our teeth, and we don't run the water in the shower until we're ready to step in. What many people don't realize, though, is that undetected water leaks can use an astronomical amount of water. That drip that you hear coming from the faucet can waste over 3,000 gallons of water a year. That's...
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How to Find a Water Leak in Your Home

Water leaks can be sneaky, expensive little problems. You aren't aware that you are using any extra water, yet suddenly you have a big water bill on your hand. I recently experienced this problem myself. My water bill arrived in the mail, and it said that I had used 42,000 gallons of water in the two-month billing cycle. During the previous two-month billing cycle, I had used just 16,000 gallons of water. I called the water company, sure that there...
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