Plumbing Leak Repair Guide
A plumbing leak doesn’t have to be big to be a big problem. We are so dependent on having running water; we don’t think about it often, but most of us would feel quite lost without having constant access to running water. How many times a day do you turn on a faucet? As soon as you get up in the morning, you probably flush the toilet, wash your hands, brush your teeth, and take a shower. Next, you make a pot of coffee. Maybe you turn on the dishwasher or throw a load of laundry into the washer before you head out the door to work. In just the first hour or two of the day, most of us have used running water at least five times. Could you get by for even a day without access to running water?
If you get a plumbing leak, your running water will suddenly be running everywhere. In many cases, addressing the leak isn’t as simple as just placing a bucket underneath it. It can turn into a serious problem and damage your walls, floors, and even the foundation of your home. If a water leak is allowed to continue, either because it has not been detected or just not repaired, mold can start to grow in the home. This can damage the structure of your home, contaminate your belongings, and harm your health.
Clearly, a plumbing leak is bad news. Use this plumbing leak repair guide to help you identify and eliminate leaks in your home.
Detecting Leaks
For many homeowners, the first sign of a water leak comes in the form of the water bill. They open the monthly billing statement and find that their water usage has suddenly doubled or tripled. This is a pretty clear sign of a problem. Before you go tearing your house apart, though, ask yourself whether your water usage has changed. If you have started using your lawn irrigation system or fill your swimming pool, this could account for a sudden increase in your bill. If you haven’t had any significant change in your usage, though, then you should check the water meter. Verify the meter reading against the reading on the bill. Also, check to see if your meter has a leak indicator. Many meters have a leak indicator which will display a red flag if your usage changes drastically.
Check it Out
You can test for plumbing leaks on your own. Go to the meter, and write down the reading. Next, go around the house and turn off everything that uses water. Make sure that you don’t miss anything. Shut off the water line to the refrigerator, turn off the washing machine, and don’t flush the toilet. To be on the safe side, you can turn off the main water supply valve to the whole house. Wait for an hour or so, and then check the water meter again. If the water meter shows a different reading than it did before, then you have a leak somewhere.
If this test reveals that there is a plumbing leak, then the next step is to locate the leak. Do a careful walkthrough, and look for wet or damp spots. Then call Scott English Plumbing. We’ll help you locate the leak and get it fixed right away. Scott English Plumbing offers the top quality plumbing service in Orange County, and we’re on call for you 24/7. Give Scott English Plumbing a call today to find your plumbing leak and get it repaired promptly and properly.