How to Diagnose Low Shower Water Pressure
Have you ever hopped in the shower, turned it on, and noticed that the water only comes out at a small trickle? If so, then you have low shower water pressure. Unfortunately, there are several different culprits behind low shower water pressure, and, depending on the cause of your problem, several different possible solutions. However, don’t fret! The plumbing professionals here at Scott English Plumbing, Inc. have put together a troubleshooting guide to help you diagnose your low water pressure problem. Let’s break it down.
How To Troubleshoot Your Water Pressure Problem
As we mentioned earlier, there are several sources of water pressure problems. Figuring out what is causing your issue with low shower water pressure is as easy as following this guide on water pressure troubleshooting techniques. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Step 1 – Check the Pressures of Other Showers, Faucets, and Spigots
One of the first things you should do when troubleshooting water pressure problems is to check every water source in your home for signs of low pressure. You should make sure to check your other showers (if you have them), your faucets, and any outside water spigots are all flowing as usual. If you notice that one or several of those fixtures is experiencing low water pressure, then you most likely have an issue that goes beyond the scope of the DIY homeowner. For those types of situations, contact Scott English Plumbing, Inc. right away.
If, however, you only notice pressure problems with your shower or hot water supply, then move on to step 2 of this guide.
Step 2 – Troubleshooting Your Shower
If you only notice low water pressure in the shower, then the problem is, most likely a fixture-specific issue. What we mean by that is that your shower water pressure problem is likely sourced from one or several parts of the shower itself.
To troubleshoot which part of your shower is screwy, you’ll have to take parts off of your shower one at a time. Start by taking off the showerhead and then rerunning the shower. If the pressure has returned to normal, then your problem is a clogged shower head. However, if you still have low water pressure, then the problem could lie in the water mixing valve or a leak somewhere along the water supply line that runs to your shower. Another, far more likely possibility is that your issue lies in your hot water system.
Step 3 – Check Your Water Heater
One of the most common causes of low water pressure is the water heater itself. To check and see if your water heater is causing your pressure problem, try turning on the cold water in your shower. If your water pressure is good when only running cold water, then the problem is either with your water heater or a leak somewhere along your hot water line. Either way, you’ll need the help of our plumbing professionals to get your water pressure situation resolved.
Step 4 – Check Other Potential Sources of the Problem
If you still can’t figure out what’s going on with your water pressure problem, then there are a few other fixtures you should give a good once over. To continue troubleshooting your water pressure problem, check the following accessories and devices:
- Look out for water leaks or hard water mineral deposits along water lines
- Check the on-off lever on your PRV (Pressure Reducing Valve). If it’s moved, call us, and we’ll help get it sorted for you.
- Make sure to check your main water shutoff valve to see if it’s been knocked or turned slightly.
Contact Scott English Plumbing, Inc. for Help With Your Low Shower Water Pressure
Here at Scott English Plumbing, Inc., we pride ourselves on being the go-to company for all water pressure issues in the area. From helping you troubleshoot the cause behind your pressure issues, to solving your low shower water pressure problems, we have you covered. So, if you’re experiencing any kind of low shower water pressure, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance!