Common Sources of Home Plumbing Leaks
It is safe to say that no homeowner would want to have plumbing leaks in their homes, right? After all, leaks are not only a waste of precious water, but also brings damage and unwanted expenses. It can also encourage the growth of bacteria that can put the health of your family at risk. However, we must understand that not all leaks can be easily detected. This is why it would be helpful to understand where leaks commonly originate from. Are you ready to take a look?
Broken Seals
This is one of the more common reasons why you have plumbing leaks in your home. During the installation of appliances, contractors would put seals to secure the water connections. However, these seals are never designed to last forever. This means that they are prone to breaking as well as wearing out. When this happens, condensation or water puddles may form near or around the appliances and connections. This is a sign that you should take immediate steps to replace the broken seals before the problem gets worse.
Clogged Drains
Another common problem that is experienced by most homes is the presence of clogged drains. This is more than just a mere inconvenience. Clogged drains can result in overflowing of wastewater or burst pipes. The best way to avoid this is to have your home plumbing system periodically inspected by a licensed plumbing service.
Corrosion and Damaged Pipes
Corrosion most of the time will result in damaged pipes, but, pipe damage is not always caused by corrosion. Aside from aging, corrosion and rust can also weaken the pipes by eating away at it. Normally, there would be discoloration or warping present. A licensed plumber can help you assess just how much damage has been done to your plumbing system. It is vital that the corroded pipes be replaced immediately.
Damage to pipes often happen at its weakest point. So aside from rust and corrosion, poor installation and improper connection can also result in damaged pipes and eventually leaks. Sometimes excessive pressure can also damage your pipes, this is why continued monitoring is always advisable.
Tree Roots
There is a wrong notion that leaks happen only inside your home. The truth is that leaks have an equal chance of happening outdoors. One of the most common culprit of this would have to be tree roots. The roots are designed to seek out water and food for the trees. This can mean finding its way into your home plumbing and sewage system. From here it can grow inside the pipes and eventually result in cracking and breakage. Intrusion of tree roots is something that must be taken seriously.
Loose Connections
Did you know that most loose connections are the product of faulty installations? Often, this is the result of having your plumbing work handled by those who are ill-trained to do the job properly. The result is that your pipes and hoses become loose and in the process resulting in leaks. It is also possible that the loose connections may be a result of shifting. The easiest solution is to tighten the connections. However, an accompanying problem is that very few homeowners conduct a visual inspection of their home plumbing system, so when this type of leak is detected, often it is too late and requires more expensive repair.
Temperature Changes
Another unexpected cause of leaks is the drastic and rapid change in temperature. In case you didn’t know, changes in temperature causes pipes to expand and to contract. This movement may result in cracking especially if the temperature is freezing cold. Again, the condition of the pipes can be easily observed if homeowners conduct a regular inspection of their home plumbing system.
These common sources of leaks are often accompanied by telltale signs like low water pressure, poor water flow, musty odor from drains, and unexplainable increase in water bills. If you find it difficult to cope with your home plumbing leaks, call Scott English Plumbing today and let them help you.